Texting Mitts by Andee Graves!

Fingerless gloves keep your hands toasty while your fingers are free to text, open doors, type, whatever you need to do! These eight designs by Andee Graves soft and comfy to wear because they’re crocheted with thinner yarns – a great chance to explore new yarns you haven’t tried before! The patterns range from Beginner to Intermediate skill levels, and online technique videos are included. Check it out at the affiliate links below!

Texting Mitts - great designs for fingerless gloves, by Andee Graves!

LEISURE ARTS – Try coupon code CHILL15 for 15% off (for a very limited time!)

AMAZON US – $7.99 on Kindle/$9.99 in paperback with Free Prime Shipping!

AMAZON CA – CDN $8.77 on Kindle/$13.16 in paperback with Free Shipping Available!

AMAZON UK – £5.99 in paperback with FREE Delivery in the UK on qualifying orders!

AMAZON DE – EUR 6,95 für Kindle/ 9,82 für Taschenbuch mit Kostenlose Lieferung!

Wool Yarns from knitpicks.com

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