Crochet with Flowers and Plants: 35 beautiful patterns inspired by nature and the seasons
A charming collection of crocheted designs for the home, featuring flowers, plants, and leaves
Kate Eastwood is known and loved for her wreaths and garlands covered in crocheted decorations, and her exquisite attention to detail in everything she makes. Crochet with Flowers and Plants brings together her love of nature and the seasons with her eye for color and style. These 35 different patterns for blankets and pillows, home décor, table decorations, and wreaths and garlands all feature flower, leaf, or plant motifs, and in a few cases they actually recreate the whole plant! If you follow Kate on Instagram (@justpootling) or if you have seen her work on, you’ll know how much her garden and the countryside around her home are an inspiration to her. Now you too can share her appreciation of nature with these beautiful designs.
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