Annie’s Annual Big Clearance Event

It’s time for Annie’s annual Big Clearance Event! Don’t miss the best deals – now is the perfect time to stock up on project ideas for summer (and a few projects for the kids too)! See what’s on sale now at the affiliate link below!

Moogly Memorial Day Sale

This V stitch bag in vintage inspired patriotic colors is perfect for toting anywhere you go – the beach, the park, the carnival, the store, and even to your favorite fireworks display. Take everything you need in style! The V stitch pattern makes it expandable and breathable.

Get the V is for Victory Tote for 50% off on Ravelry!

Here’s how!
1. Click HERE to enter the coupon code on Ravelry
2. Use Coupon Code: MEMDAYSALE

Expires: May 30, 2017, 12:15am Central US Time!

V is for Victory Tote by Moogly

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