Crochet Stocking Stuffer #3: ChiaoGoo Bamboo Crochet Hook, S/19mm!

The countdown to Christmas and Hanukkah is on! So this week on Crochet Envy we are featuring small gifts, under $15 each, that make the perfect stocking stuff or small gift for the crocheter or yarn lover in your life (including yourself)!

Crochet Stocking Stuffer #3 is the ChiaoGoo Bamboo Crochet Hook, S/19mm! If you have an S hook, odds are it’s plastic – this is the perfect opportunity to upgrade to smooth, warm bamboo! Get one or more in time for the holidays at the affiliate links below!

ChiaoGoo Bamboo Crochet Hook, S/19mm - a great stocking stuffer for crocheters!


AMAZON US – $10.11 with Free Prime Shipping

AMAZON UK – 34% off with Free UK Shipping available