Personalized Wooden Buttons

These are so cool! Check out these personalized wooden buttons for knitted and crocheted items! These buttons are made from 3mm thick wood and are laser engraved with your text or logo.  Material choices include beech, cherry, mahogany, oak, walnut and wenge. Each order includes 25 – 1″ buttons!

Get yours today from the affiliate link below: – Set of 25 – $18.00!

Bulk Flower Buttons – great for adding to your crochet!!

This bulk lot of flower buttons includes 50 of the most precious .8″ buttons you’ll ever see. They are great for adding onto your crochet projects. This size works really well with crochet, plus, they are so pretty you can even use them as an accessory when you don’t even need a button, you just want to add a little flare. So hop on over to the affiliate link below and get yourself some of these beauties!

Amazon USA – $7.36; Free shipping available!



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