Stanwood Needlecraft Large Metal Yarn Winder

This jumbo-sized metal yarn winder is built to withstand heavy use. The super strong nylon cogwheels and smooth edges ensures a smooth and relatively quiet operation. It can handle nearly 2.5X the amount of yarn compared to typical-sized winders – up to 10 oz! It can be clamped onto a table up to 2 1/8″ thick.

Get yours from the affiliate links below.

Amazon USA – $68.95! Free Prime shipping available!

Amazon CA – $100.74!

Amazon UK – 212.21!

Amazon DE – €227,73!

Stanwood Needlecraft Jumbo Yarn Winder

Lowest prices on the best yarn - guaranteed at

Yarn Winder and Swift ~ great gift for crocheters!

Are you asking for lots of yarnie goodness for the holidays? Maybe some of that fancy yarn that come in hanks and needs to be wound into balls. That can take forever! I have a swift and a yarn winder that I have, and I love them both! My swift comes apart for easy storage, I just pull it apart and stack the bits at the back of the table. The yarn winder can wind 10 oz of yarn! That’s a very large hank of yarn. I’ve yet to come across a hank that was too big. You can get the winder in a smaller size if you want, but this thing lasts forever, so why bother? Here are affiliate links for both the swift and winder that I use and love!

yarn winder swift

Amazon USA
Yarn Winder ~ $62.99: 30% off; Gift-wrap available.
Swift ~ $35.29: 16% off

Amazon CA
Yarn Winder ~ $100.74 Free shipping and gift-wrap available.
Swift ~ $51.98

Amazon UK
Yarn Winder ~ £120.21
Swift ~ £35.91

Amazon DE
Yarn Winder ~ €185,12 Click for details
Swift ~ €33.19 Click for details

Stanwood Needlecraft Large Ball Winder, 10-Ounce

Stanwood Needlecraft Large Metal Yarn/Fiber/Wool/String Ball Winder, 10-Ounce

Ever since I got one of these I can’t stop using it – it has a permanent place on my side table. Keep your yarn balls from rolling around, wind up hanks and half used skeins to keep them neat… you could even invite over your yarny friends and have a winding party! The Stanwood yarn winder has heavy duty construction, and you can Click HERE to get it for $60.55 (33% off) on Amazon US with free Prime shipping! (affiliate link) Amazon prices are, as always subject to change and availability – but this is a great yarny tool at any price!

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