Premium Ergonomic Bamboo Crochet Hook Set with Canvas Case by Gretchens Meadow Knitting

This kit includes a set of hooks with bamboo handles, awesome key chain hooks, and a lovely canvas case!

Specialized Ergonomic Bamboo Crochet Hooks; The comfort of bamboo handles with the efficiency of aluminum hooks.
Full Set with Canvas Case; The size of the hooks include 2.5/3/3.5/4/4.5/5/5.5/6 (mm)
Portable Mini Crochet Keychain set included; Each with a lobster claw clasp so you can take just the hooks you want
Only the Highest Quality; hand crafted bamboo handles made from the finest wood work. The aluminum hooks at the end have a smooth finish to make sure no yarn gets caught up or tangled. Carbonized gloss finish. The canvas bag holder is made with hundred percent high quality source canvas.

Get your own set from the affiliate links below.

Amazon USA – $16.99; Gift-wrap and free shipping available!

Amazon CA – $55.26

Bamboo Crochet Hook Set with Canvas Case

728 X 90

Great Deal on Ostart Set of 10 Bamboo Wood and Metal Thread Crochet Hooks!

The Ostart Set of 10 Bamboo Wood and Metal Thread Crochet Hooks is so pretty! Working with tiny thread crochet hooks can be hard on the hands, but these get great reviews for comfort – and bamboo thread crochet hooks can be hard to find! In sizes: 0.75mm, 1.00mm, 1.25mm, 1.50mm, 1.75mm, 2.00mm, 2.30mm, 2.50mm, 3.00mm, and 3.50mm. Check them out at the links below!

AMAZON US – 78% off with Free Shipping – WOW!

AMAZON UK – Great price, free shipping, only a few available!

AMAZON Canada – not currently available

Ostart Bamboo Thread #Crochet Hooks - great price, and they look amazing!

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