Stanwood Needlecraft’s Tabletop Amish Style Wooden Yarn Swift is currently on it’s way to my own home! I can’t wait – winding hanks without a swift is a recipe for knots and disaster and frustration, and I’m ready for happier yarn times. I chose this style of swift because it is easy to use and quickly comes apart for storage – and it doesn’t hurt that it’s less expensive than umbrella models, and 15% off on top of that, and gets excellent reviews! Click HERE to get a Stanwood Needlecraft Tabletop Amish Style Swift for just $33.99 on Amazon US with Free Prime Shipping, or Click HERE to get a similar yarn swift from Amazon UK, or Click HERE to get it on Amazon Canada! (affiliate links) Or you can try to talk your favorite woodworker into making you one – but Amazon might be faster.