Alpaca Llama Pillow

This shaggy haired alpaca pillow is simply adorable! Finished diameter is approximately 15″.

Get your copy of the pattern at the affiliate link below: – $5.92!

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New! Freddie from Furls!

Ahhh! This is just TOO cute for words! Furls Fiberarts have debuted another adorable pure pewter pendant – Freddie the Alpaca! And of course he comes with a back story – the “great legend of Freddie the Alpaca … told throughout the world to celebrate the nerdy hero in us all.” CLICK HERE to read all about this cutie and order your own! (affiliate link) Go to Products in the menu and click on Jewelry to find this elusive cutie!

Freddie the Alpaca - from Furls! Too cute!!


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