I love when form and function meet, and this yarn threader from Clover is a wonderful example of just that. This yarn threader is made of zinc and stainless steel, and the threader folds nicely into the handle, so no worries about bending or damaging it! Some yarns can be a real pain to thread, and this tool is the answer. You can get your own from the affiliate link below, and pair it up with some Clover yarn needles and a yarn cutting pendant!
Helen Austin says
I have not used these yarn threaders and would like to try one.
Lorraine Corrigan says
Where can I purchase Antique yarn threade
sherry burke says
New to this site. Love that threader and know all who can get one will love it! God Bless
Judy P says
I think the needle thread needs a hole or sturdy loop at the top to be able to attach to a ribbon, chain, etc. to wear around the neck or even pin it to whatever one is wearing while working on a project.
Charlene says
What a wonderful invention!! That would make my life easier. My eyesight is not what it used to be. I have a lot of trouble threading needles these days. I would love to win this cute little gadget!
Sue says
What a great find!
Pamela Galis says
What a lovely item! I just love antiques for this very reason, beauty and function! I really have trouble these days threading my yarn needles. Guess getting older and failing eyesight are the culprits. This would be one useful gadget, and one that would go so well with my decor to boot!
Melissa Sundstrom says
Beautiful! What a special accessory…love it!
Sue Richards says
Oh boy, can I use this! It’s a struggle to thread needles these days!
ANA says
crochet envy says
I’m sorry, google translator isn’t translating Enebrador.
crochet envy says
There are links above in the post!
Danielle Boots says
I would like to be put in the drawing for the antique threader. Thank you.
crochet envy says
Hi Danielle! It’s not a drawing, just a link to where you can purchase it. 🙂