Yarn Winder and Swift ~ great gift for crocheters!
Are you asking for lots of yarnie goodness for the holidays? Maybe some of that fancy yarn that come in hanks and needs to be wound into balls. That can take forever! I have a swift and a yarn winder that I have, and I love them both! My swift comes apart for easy storage, I just pull it apart and stack the bits at the back of the table. The yarn winder can wind 10 oz of yarn! That’s a very large hank of yarn. I’ve yet to come across a hank that was too big. You can get the winder in a smaller size if you want, but this thing lasts forever, so why bother? Here are affiliate links for both the swift and winder that I use and love!
Amazon USA
Yarn Winder ~ $62.99: 30% off; Gift-wrap available.
Swift ~ $35.29: 16% off
Amazon CA
Yarn Winder ~ $100.74 Free shipping and gift-wrap available.
Swift ~ $51.98
Amazon UK
Yarn Winder ~ £120.21
Swift ~ £35.91
Amazon DE
Yarn Winder ~ €185,12 Click for details
Swift ~ €33.19 Click for details